Las Vegas residents do have rats, mice, and other rodents that feed within their gardens, lawns, homes, and businesses. Identify and solve rodent issues.
You may have noticed an increase in rodent activity in the past few months. With less food waste on the strip, Las Vegas residents have seen an increase in these fury invaders coming closer to home than in the past. Some rodents, such as rats or mice, may pose health risks. Through the direct handling of alive or dead rodents such as rats or mice, could potentially spread over 35 different diseases to humans.
Even though direct handling of rodents, alive or dead, or of their feces or urine is the most common way of contracting an illness, indirect exposure is still a major risk. Rats and rodents bring other pests with them. This includes ticks, mites, and fleas that can pass diseases from an infected rodent to a human host. With this tertiary transfer of disease and illness being a very real concern, making sure your home and work space are kept clean of debris and food that may attract these types of opportunistic pests. If you are concerned you may have an infestation of any kind please contact Fortified Pest Management LLC for a free consultation or estimate.
The most common offenders in the region are the Deer and House mouse, as well as the Norway rat and the Roof rat, although the Roof rat is much more common. Easily identified by their black fur and pale/light colored under bellies are the Roof rats, while the Norway rat has a full brownish gray coat. House mice are light brown or gray and are solid in color, while the Deer mouse is brown or tan with white bellies and legs. Also found in this desert oasis is the Pocket Gopher. Named for the “pockets” in their cheeks where they store food, before burrowing into your lawn. Though possibly cute these rodents pose a real threat to vegetative growth in their area, as they feed primarily on roots, tubers, and plant life. Though the most common, pocket gophers are not the only species of gopher found in Clark County, they just find it easier to set up home in lawns, gardens and farm land.
The fact that they are able to set up camp in Clark County poses some possible health related risks, although some are quite low. Now that the strip is opening up you would hope that these unwanted guests would start to move out, but as we move into the warmer months of the year these little balls of Leptospirosis will be looking for cool places to rest, eat, and reproduce. Leptospirosis is caused by bacteria called Leptospira that infects humans and their pests. Symptoms can range from being Asymptomatic (no symptoms) to becoming rather ill, so making sure to check crawl spaces, attics, under sinks and counters is very important. Besides Leptospirosis 5 other diseases that are common are rat bite fever, salmonelosis, monkeypox, tularemia, and the plague. Yes that plague, these are the areas of reported cases in the United States from 1970-2018 according to the Center for Disease Control. While these cases are far and few between, with California having its first confirmed human case in five years in 2020, that definitely leaves room for concern in the future.

But what can I do? You may ask yourself. Not to worry there are a few easy steps you can take that may help reduce risk of infestation or damage. First let us look at what these critters are looking for from us: Food, Water, Shelter. Your best bet is to take steps to keep them out before you get an infestation, once that occurs, getting rid of them is very difficult and sometimes not possible without professional help. You can help keep them out by filling openings, such as cracks, gaps, holes. We must remember that rats and mice can get in through holes as small as nickels or quarters. We want to not make your home a buffet to them. Make sure pets' food is taken inside or up from floors at night. Harvest produce and fruits from your gardens as they ripen. Also make sure your trash and compost is properly stored, remember these guys are HUNGRY!!! Another great preventative measure is to remove any and all possible shelter for them. This means tall grass and shrubs close to the home or business as rats LOVE these. Make sure to store wood piles 8 to 12 inches off the ground and about 18 inches from the sides of the building. Lastly remove any old or unused vehicles or appliances from the property, these are like 5 star resorts for the vermin.
Now that you have taken steps to eliminate the three things rodents want from us, what can you do if you find some of these buggers where they shouldn't be? First check with your neighbors as rats and other rodents will most likely be a neighborhood issue. Once you have established the scope of the problem you can then take some steps to eliminate or lessen the infestation. Remember to use traps indoors and keep the baits and poisons outside, away from children or pets. Pests can spread poisons around your home, making it unsafe for all. Always remember to read the label of any product you plan on using in or around your home or business. There are a variety of techniques that will not harm children or pets, which Fortified Pest Management uses religiously.
Do not forget the most foolproof way to get rid of any and all of your rodent or pest problems, CALL THE PROS. Fortified Pest Management is fully Licensed, Bonded and Insured. We are family owned, Pet Friendly and ALWAYS come with a 100% Money Back Guarantee. Whether you need a residential or professional estimate we are here to help. From Pigeons to Roof Rats, Spiders to Termites, Scorpions to Bed Bugs we will help you sleep better at night.